First Post! The Blogging Section and the Future of the Site.

So this is it. My very own website. I have been trying to make this thing for years, I had many plans and I ended up with a pure white background minimalist design. I like it, and I hope you do too.

I am planning on using this blogging section somewhat regularly. I am hoping to write all kinds of things, such as reviews, self research, postmortem discussion, game dev stuff that I feel is important, open discussion of topics without an answer, critiques, cooking and also about my Twitch and Youtube videos that I am planning on making or have made. This is all in effort to get better at writing, and I also think it would be fun to keep this kind of journal.

My hope is that I can better my skills while growing my audience and rounding out my “profile.” As for this post, I would like to keep it brief and informal, I will do a very quick job of proofreading. In the future I will make sure to put more thought into my words, phrasing and will ensure I proofread everything. Shortly, I would like to try and write articles about my experiences being a part of the IGF awards as well as my experience at PAX East the week after. I feel that these experiences are ones to cherish and I would love to share my thoughts, not only so I may remember them, but also for others to determine what they can gain or lose from attending these kinds of conventions.

Lastly, I would like to say that I want to try and improve this website in any way that I can. If you all feel that there needs to be some kind of feature, or you would like to see a blog post about a specific topic, PLEASE let me know and I will try my best to find time to improve these aspects of the site.

Thank you and have a great day!