The Journey To GDC as Part Of IGF

I was able to travel to San Francisco California, to attend GDC (Game Developers Conference) and it was the most surreal experience of my entire life. I am honored to have had the opportunity to not only attend GDC, but show at GDC, and not only show at GDC, but show as part of the IGF (Independent Games Festival) Pavilion for being a finalist in “Best Student Game” category. Knowing that our team was a finalist for this prestigious award is breathtaking. Our game Sole, was nominated alongside It’s Paper Guy!, The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game, After Hours, En Garde!, and levedad. Meeting the creators of these titles, and many other titles nominated for other categories, was the most significant portion of my experience. Everyone I met was warm, friendly, and interesting, I will remember them forever. I wish that GDC was longer just so I could have had more time to talk with everyone.


The mixer events focused on meeting others in the games industry were the most rewarding portion of my time at GDC. Aside from talking to people while at our booth, I was able to meet people at the GDC/IGF awards ceremony as well as at the nominee awards party afterwards. This relaxed space of nominated developers made meeting others a breeze because we all had something of interest in common. This event, which I was going into feeling intimidated, was quite welcoming, I have never felt so at home during a convention. The next day there was an Xbox Developers Mixer that went along similarly (although the Xbox mixer had considerably better food). The difference here was that I was given more of an opportunity to talk to the brains at Xbox in the ID@Xbox program as opposed to game developers.

On the final day of GDC our team was able to get together for a fantastic celebration dinner at a Korean BBQ place somewhere in Japan Town. I wish I could recommend the place, although I don’t remember its name. We ordered some spicy chicken, pork belly, fire baby octopus, and beef strips which were all delicious. If you somehow figure out what restaurant I am talking about, do yourself a favor and order the pork belly!

This time at GDC really inspired me to finish Sole, and also inspired me to think about games differently. After Hours gives such a raw portrayal of complex topics, while delivering it in a way that isn’t trying to define anything explicitly. It’s Paper Guy offers a wholesome experience that uses environmental storytelling a fitting way, adding to their experience. levedad shows me what can be done with the player’s perspective and that you can create a large experience in a small space. Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game offers fully developed dialogue, character and world design that makes the player feel good, even with limited mechanics. En Garde! really pushed me to believe that I am capable of more than I realize, with proper dedication, you are capable of great things.

It is more now than ever before that I have been able to truly appreciate my family, education, the EGS (EntrepreneurialGame Studios) and facilities that they provide, Gossamer Games for allowing me to work on this game, and my girlfriend for putting up with me while I work all the time. I aim to push my work to new boundaries and hope to end up back at GDC soon.